Michael Rossi's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to give you a look at the daily life of a rental property owner. It's not all sitting on a yacht like you see on the TV Infomercials! Visit our Website at: www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Own Brush with Euthanasia

I spent a couple hours this morning finishing the taxes for one of my companies. I'll take the info to my accountant in the morning.

My projects in town today were to fix a toilet that kept running; fix a sink that had very low flow of hot water; and to replace a broken refrigerator. Just after I finished changing the refrigerator, the tenant came out complaining about hearing a kitten crying. I helped the tenant look around and just outside her house was a nearly newborn kitten that was laying beside a propane bottle. The kitten was FILTHY; obviously alone; and crying. There was no mother or other kittens to be found, but some MORON had placed a food and water bowl near the kitten, as if a newly born kitten could eat cat food! As I was cleaning the kitten up, I was alarmed to see that it's eyes and ears were covered with tiny maggots.

I didn't know how to properly take care of this issue, so I decided to take the kitten to the vet to see if anything could be done. I thought the vet might be able to remove the maggots and then I could hand nurse the kitten. The vet looked at the cat and determined that it couldn't be saved. In addition to the maggots, it had damage to it's skin and intestinal tract, and the vet recommeded euthanizing it. I offered to pay the vet, but he wouldn't take any money. He took care of it and I came home, feeling sorry for the little abandoned kitten.

That's one of the sad things I see in the city. Tenants are VERY IRRESPONSIBLE with their pets and there are many ferile cats. It's a shame!

1 comment:

Tom said...

At least the kitten was able to be put down humanely instead of suffering til the end...It's still a shame though...