Michael Rossi's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to give you a look at the daily life of a rental property owner. It's not all sitting on a yacht like you see on the TV Infomercials! Visit our Website at: www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lawsuit and Paint

I know it's hard to imagine that a landlord would be sued. Well...yes, I am being sued again. This time, I'm being sued by the city for a tenant's water bill. Yes, I said a TENANT'S WATER BILL! It seems that in this socialist world we live in, tenants are not responsible for their own debts. If the deadbeats don't pay their water bill, the city thinks that the landlord should pay it for them. This is happening all over Ohio and is an outrage. All I can say to that is HELL NO! I am not paying someone else's bills! To that end, I spent about an hour this morning putting together information for the attorney that my lawyer (our REIA's water bill lawyer) will need for my case and sending it off to him.

My other project for the day was to do some painting at the Pink Elephant. So, I got out the scaffolding and did some painting. I'm making progress!

Tomorrow, I have another move-in and am planning to do some work (although I don't know what). I'll think of something.


Christina said...

That is plain outrageous! Of course they are going after the landlord and not the tenant b/c the tenant has nothing to give them. But when the tenant applied for water the utility companies checked thier credit, not your's. So to think that you should be responsible for thier own customers' action is unbelievable. There should be a landlord association that can stand up to this rediculousness.

beer234 said...

I have a rental property in Coon Rapids MN and the water bill goes with the property so landlords have to collect it from the tenant or same if they don't pay you get to.

propertymanager said...

Yeah, it's ridiculous! We are actively fight this injustice and have a significant chance of winning!