Michael Rossi's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to give you a look at the daily life of a rental property owner. It's not all sitting on a yacht like you see on the TV Infomercials! Visit our Website at: www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Quite a Bit Done Today!

Today was one of those days when I got quite a bit done! I collected numerous rents, which is always nice - in fact, it's my favorite part of the business!

In addition to that, I finished the trim for the floor I've been working on. I have decided that it looks pretty good and I'll try to take a picture of it tomorrow after I've painted the trim.

While I was working on the floor, one of my tenants called to tell me that she had a break-in yesterday. She said that the tenant apparently got in through a window that wouldn't lock. So, after finishing the floor, I went over to that house to check out the situation. All of the windows had locks on them, but one window wasn't completely closed and of course wasn't locked. That is apparently how the criminal got in. The good news is that nothing was stolen and no-one was hurt.

Next, I went to one of my nicest 3 bedroom houses that had three issues to address. First, I fixed a faucet handle that had become loose. No big deal. Next, I removed a table and chairs that came with the house, because the tenant got her own table and chairs. Finally, I checked the water meter to determine if there was a water leak at the house. The tenant reported that her water bill went from $32 per month to $89 per month and that she must have a leak. With the faucets off in the house, the water meter wasn't turning. Therefore, there is no leak. I suspect that the water company misread the water meter.

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