Michael Rossi's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to give you a look at the daily life of a rental property owner. It's not all sitting on a yacht like you see on the TV Infomercials! Visit our Website at: www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Rents are In!

The rents are in for this month and it looks like I'll have another month without an eviction. If so, I believe that this will be the fourth month without an eviction, which is absolutely wonderful. I still have two outstanding rents, even though my rent collection period has ended, but both have contacted me and have said that they will pay (including the $50 late fee) within the next 3 days, which is the 3 day eviction notice period.

I painted the trim around the floor that I've been working on and fixed a bad spot in one wall. I also did some other painting in the same house.

I had a young woman (maybe about 20 years old) and her mother look at an apartment today (for the girl and her boyfriend). She's supposed to bring the deposit tomorrow!

I'm planning to start installing my second laminate floor tomorrow in a two bedroom house. This will also be installed in a kitchen. I'm looking forward to improving my technique and hopefully the result.

Finally, I had a woman look at one of my two bedroom houses today. From the first time she opened her mouth, I didn't like her. She said that she needed a place to live right away. That is always a warning sign. When I asked her why she needed a place "right away", she said that her current house was about to be condemned. When I asked her why it was being condemned, she said that her child had been exposed to too much lead paint there. That tells me that she is a deadbeat parent who doesn't adequately watch her child. I asked her if she knew that my house was also built before 1978 and therefore probably had lead paint in it. Of course, any lead paint in my house has been properly encapsulated, but I didn't mention that. She didn't seem to care that there might be lead paint in my house, which is proof positive to me that she was lying about her real reason for leaving her current house. So, I asked her how it would help to move from one house with lead paint to another. Since there was no reasonable answer, she didn't apply to rent my house. AMEN! Tenants that cause trouble for one landlord will not hesitate to cause trouble for the next. The last thing I want is a trouble-maker for a tenant!

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