Michael Rossi's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to give you a look at the daily life of a rental property owner. It's not all sitting on a yacht like you see on the TV Infomercials! Visit our Website at: www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Heat is Back On!

After waiting 3 hours at the Ford dealer for a job they said would take 1 hour, my truck is finally fixed. The heat is back on just in time for a resurgence of winter. However, I did discover a problem when I got home today - the mechanic only put enough antifreeze in my truck to protect to +5 degrees F. That would be fine except we ALWAYS have below zero temperatures here in Ohio during the winter. Is it any wonder that I do all the work on my rentals myself? A large percentage of people are just plain incompetent and I can't stand dealing with incompetence!!!

I'll have to drain some water out of the radiator and add some more antifreeze. Fortunately, my distrust of people caused me to check the antifreeze in the radiator before I have a cracked engine block! There are a few benefits to being a landlord - being skeptical is one of them.

After I finally got my truck back, I went to one of my 3 bedroom houses and steam cleaned the carpet. Next, I met a professional plumber at one of my 1 bedroom houses. The main drain line was clogged and there is a very large tree in the yard. My power snake only has a 3/8 inch cable, and is not a heavy enough machine to take care of tree roots. Now, that I know about this problem, I can put copper tree root killer in the drain a couple of times a year to keep it open.

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