Michael Rossi's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to give you a look at the daily life of a rental property owner. It's not all sitting on a yacht like you see on the TV Infomercials! Visit our Website at: www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com

Friday, June 22, 2007

Long Day

Yesterday was a very long day.

It all started when a very alert optometrist found a speck of plaque in my father's eye during an eye exam. The doctor realized that this speck had probably broken off from an obstruction in one of my father's carotid arteries. After some initial testing, they decided a couple of days ago that my father needed an angiogram to determine how much blockage he had and what to do about it. The procedure was scheduled for yesterday morning at 7am at a hospital that was about an hour away.

Thanks to my rental property business, I can take a day off anytime I like. Once again, my rental property business allowed me to attend to family matters instead of going to work. That's what I like the most about my business. I can set my own schedule and don't have to ask permission to take a day (or a week) off. If I don't want to work today, I don't have to!!!

Anyway, we left at 0530 am (OUCH) and didn't get home until last evening. It was a very long day, but my father did fine. He will be having surgery in a couple of weeks, but that is good news. His problem is one that could cause big problems, but with the surgery he should be fine. It was a blessing that the alert optometrist discovered this issue before a major medical problem occurred.

On a normal day, I wouldn't receive a single call from a tenant. Yesterday was not such a day. I received a call from one tenant who had a sewage backup and another tenant that had her central air go out. I normally handle all the maintenance myself, but that simply wasn't possible yesterday. So, I called a plumber to fix the sewage backup and another contractor to take care of the broken air-conditioner. With only two quick phone calls, I was able to manage both problems even though I was out of town. Did I mention that I like this business?

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