Michael Rossi's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to give you a look at the daily life of a rental property owner. It's not all sitting on a yacht like you see on the TV Infomercials! Visit our Website at: www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lazy Day

I was planning to do a little work yesterday, but was feeling lazy, so I took another day off. However, while I was in town, I decided to check in on the pink elephant. Even though things have now stabilized there (from a tenant perspective), I still like to stop by just to make my presence known. At any rate, it was a good thing I stopped by when I did. As soon as I opened my truck's door, I was immediately inundated with people wanting to rent apartments. These were friends and acquaintences of the tenants in the building.

I offer $100 cash to any tenant that finds an applicant that we actually rent an apartment to. So, my new tenants have been busy trying to earn that $100!

As it turns out, two of the three applicants were acceptable, so my momentary trip to the property may result in 2 new tenants. Not bad for a day off!

We're still a week or so away from the start of camping season, so I decided to get a little something done today. I decided to finish cleaning out the storefront and basement of the pink elephant. In a little bit of luck, I was throwing out some junk when a guy walking by asked if he could have the metal. There wasn't any copper or anything else very valuable, so I said sure. He took a whole pickup truck loan of old sewer pipes, gas lines, an old rusty water heater; and a bunch of rusty steel which saved me a lot of work. I'm fully aware that I could probably have gotten $60 for this junk at the recycling center, but I have absolutely no interest in that. I was just glad the junk was gone.

I also had another idea while I was there. I think I'll turn that old storefront into a coin operated laundry for my two apartment buildings. That could certainly bring in a little extra money and I'm going to look into that.