Michael Rossi's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to give you a look at the daily life of a rental property owner. It's not all sitting on a yacht like you see on the TV Infomercials! Visit our Website at: www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Two Units Rented

The demand for rentals continues to amaze me! As you may recall from my previous posts, I only had one vacant unit (a one-bedroom apartment) at the end of February. Then, I had three moveouts, only one of which gave me notice. So, as of the 2nd of March, I ended up with two vacant 1-bedroom apartments, one vacant 2 bedroom house, and one vacant 3 bedroom house. The 1 bedroom apartment was returned to me in move-in condition, but both of the houses needed work to be ready to re-rent.

I rented one of the 1-bedroom apartments today AND I have a screened applicant that says they will take the 2 bedroom house on Friday or Saturday. I have already trashed out the 2 bedroom house and today I removed the carpet from both bedrooms and found that the wood floors are suitable to paint! That's great news because I HATE having carpet in rentals. Tenants destroy it on a regular basis and it costs money to replace it every two or three tenants. Using a high gloss floor paint makes the floors look great and it's the ultimate in easy to replace between tenants - just roll some more paint on the floor and you're done!

Now that rent collections are over (except the few late payers that will be paying the late fee), I should have time tomorrow to pull out all the staples that were holding down the carpet pad and get those floors painted. If I get lucky, I might even be able to finish the 2 bedroom house tomorrow!

Another bright spot today was that my contractor started installing the new roof at my personal residence. They got the back of the house done today and are planning to do the front tomorrow. I'll be very glad to get that finished.

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