Michael Rossi's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to give you a look at the daily life of a rental property owner. It's not all sitting on a yacht like you see on the TV Infomercials! Visit our Website at: www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Taxes Finally Complete!

My appointment with my CPA was Wednesday (yesterday) at 9am. I had already completed entering the tax info for several of my rental property companies and only had two to go when I started working on Tuesday morning at 6am. All I really had remaining to do was put all the info into Quickbooks Pro so that it would be ready for the accountant. Unfortunately, I didn't realize quite how much data was left to enter. One of the checkbooks had over 400 checks to enter.

I worked and worked and worked on these companies. It wasn't until 9pm that I got one of the companies finally done. By that time, I knew that it was going to be a very long day. I continued to work on the second company and at about 2:30 am had it done. By this time, I had been working over 20 hours. I started gathering all of the company folders in preparation for the trip to the accountant the next morning. Then it dawned on me that I had forgotten a company. I was tired and ready to go to bed, but I was determined to finish my taxes and have it done. So, I started working on the last company and finally finished at 8am, a full hour before I had to be at the accountant's office. I had worked 26 straight hours and had pulled my first all-nighter since college, many years before.

You may be wondering why I have so many different companies. The answer is that we have the rental properties divided into different LLC's for asset protection purposes. With several dozen rentals, we try to divide them into companies with no more than 10 rentals each. Therefore, it takes several entities to do the job.

I spent about 2 hours with the accountant yesterday and then took the rest of the day off. After working 26 straight hours, I was quite tired and needed a break.

Today, I worked on cleaning one of our vacant apartments and got caught up on my e-mail. Nothing too exciting!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Had a question concerning this post. I looked into doing this in the past i.e. put properties in LLC, but with having a mortgage, this would not be allowed. Any thoughts around this?