Michael Rossi's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to give you a look at the daily life of a rental property owner. It's not all sitting on a yacht like you see on the TV Infomercials! Visit our Website at: www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Number Nine!

I worked a full 8 hours Monday and then took yesterday off (except for picking up the rent for new tenant #8 of the month). Today I headed back to work and started out by putting the finishing touches on one of the houses that we just bought and already have rented.. After that, I walked next door and started working on the second house that we just bought. This house needs more work than the first one. The entire interior of the house will need to be cleaned and painted. In addition, the garage needs to be painted. It clearly hasn't been painted for at least 50 years!!! The good thing about that is that there isn't any flaking paint - it's basically back to bare wood. After all the painting, I also need to do something with the garage door as part of it is off the track.

I'm estimating that the work on this house will take about 4 days total. I got a little surprise on this house today when I called to have the electric turned on. The electric company said that the meter had been vandalized and that the meter base would have to be replaced before they would turn on the electric. I do almost all the work on my rentals myself, but I don't do the main electrical service. Therefore, I have a call in to my electrician.

Late this afternoon, I got a call from a young couple that looked at one of our new 1 bedroom apartments about a week ago. They wanted to take it and move starting tomorrow. Since they hadn't yet filled out an application, I met them at the apartment and had them fill one out. Then, I went home to my office to do their screening. Their screening was clean and I then went back to the apartment to sign a lease with them and get their money. That makes the 9th new move in this month! The rental market in our area is absolutely on fire!!!! I also had another applicant fill out an application today on the 3 bedroom house that I haven't even started working on. WOW!

I've already got a deal to buy another duplex and plan to keep on buying, although not at the pace of this past month!


Trisha#1 said...

Hi, Michael,

Sorry--I'm going to have to read your blog from the beginning. But, where are you located? That's fantastic! Your success is inspiring! Keep it up and keep writing about it!


propertymanager said...


I'm in Ohio, where are you?


Alan said...

How do you buy 10 properties in a month? Do you have the funds to put 10% down on each property or are you financing 100%?
