Michael Rossi's Blog

The purpose of this blog is to give you a look at the daily life of a rental property owner. It's not all sitting on a yacht like you see on the TV Infomercials! Visit our Website at: www.1MinuteToRentalPropertyRiches.com

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Sick as a Dog!

First, I'm NOT looking for sympathy or get-well-soon wishes. I am NOT a victim. However, I wanted to discuss today's situation to point out one of the best aspects of being a landlord.

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with late stage Lyme disease (you know, getting bitten by an angry tick). I had a LOT of neurological problems such as numbness in hands and feet, pain in joints, slurred speech, dragging leg, randomly twitching muscles, etc. It's very disconcerting when it first happens, but I got used to it! (All of the sypmtoms finally went away after a few months of treatment). Unfortunately, there's not really a cure for Lyme disease and it can reoccur whenever it chooses. The initial treatment is several months of IV and oral antibiotics, but if that doesn't "cure" you, then further treatment for repeat performances is only marginally effective.

About a month ago, I started having a new episode. Many of the old symptoms reappeared, but I have been getting by and working VERY hard on all of my new rentals. I had absolutely no desire to go to the doctor or waste time with this silliness. Today, I was not so lucky. In addition to the pain, I also had EXTREME fatigue (another unpleasant symptom). I felt HORRIBLE! It was even an effort to breath! UGH!

Now here's where we get to the good part! I decided that it was finally time to go to the doctor (who says I'm not right on top of things?) Since I am supported by my rental business, I did not have to go to work today. I simply took the day off. I didn't ask anyone or have to call my boss. I just decided that I was going to be OFF today. After all, the rents still come in whether I work or not and there was nothing so pressing that I had to work sick. If I don't feel better tomorrow, I might take tomorrow off also and maybe the whole weekend.

By evening, I felt a little better, and went to my local REIA meeting. I didn't have to worry about the boss seeing my out and about after calling in sick, BECAUSE I AM THE BOSS!

Another great thing about being in the rental business with this type of disease is that I can work whatever number of hours I desire. I am not lazy and I will get back to work shortly no matter how I feel. (What am I going to do, stay home and watch soap operas all day?) However, if this turns out to be a major relapse, I may once again experience the extreme fatigue like today. The great thing is that I can continue to work at MY PACE. If I can only work an hour and then need to lay down for 15 minutes, I can do that! THAT IS HUGE!!! Not many employers would put up with this for long, but I can do it without a problem! In fact, i can do whatever I want!

I LOVE THE RENTAL BUSINESS! There's nothing like having the freedom to do what you want to do, when you want to do it! IT IS WONDERFUL!

Again, I will definitely be fine! I don't want sympathy - it's no big deal.


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